The service allows you to:

The service allows you to:

Get stunning websites and e-commerce

Do you want to create a tailor-made website or e-commerce, designed according to current usability and accessibility standards?

Implement marketing and social media strategies

Do you have social channels but no time to manage them? Discover the potential of online business!

Position your website among the top results

Do you want to optimize your website for various search engines with our SEO service?

A website is the main business card for your company, and not having one will cost you time and money. Most people search for information online before making a purchase, so if you don’t have a website or e-commerce, you’ll lose a potential user base that will turn to your competitor.

Your website is always available, 24 hours a day, every day of the year, and operates even outside of working hours.

Many companies believe that social networks are substitutes for a website, but they overlook some aspects: social presence must be structured based on the objectives to be achieved, and consistency in content publishing is crucial to ensure valid results. Unlike a website you own, social platforms do not guarantee the same security, and you will never achieve the same level of customization as with a website built as a work of art for you.

For this reason, relying solely on social channels for your online presence, which can change at any time, is not the safest choice.

Websites and social media should not be used individually but as complementary tools that need to integrate and interact with each other for a reliable marketing strategy.

Many companies underestimate the power of digital marketing, such as sending newsletters or SMS, activating SEM campaigns, and optimizing SEO.

Customers who contact you after visiting your website will already be interested in your product/service and willing to engage, saving you time. TC Consulting will help you define the best strategy to promote your business online!

Quali sono i vantaggi che TC Consulting può offrirti con la realizzazione di un nuovo sito web?

  • Better search engine ranking
  • Protection from competitors
  • Ability to create marketing strategies
  • Ability to interact with customers

We design according to current usability and accessibility standards. We put user experience (UX) at the center of the design process, without neglecting optimization of programming code, architecture, and website content for search engines (SEO Search Engine Optimization).

The importance of careful and precise SEO activity allows you to increase visits to your website, increasing brand awareness and acquiring new customers. It is essential to know that this process is not an immediate activity, as it requires strategy, time, and market research. So, after analyzing your business and your competitors, we create the most suitable strategy to rank you at the top of search engine results.

TC Consulting helps companies position themselves online effectively, with powerful marketing strategies, aiming to bring new customers every day. We develop strategies and content for corporate social networks: social media marketing is an extremely complex activity that requires specific skills because each channel has its peculiarities, its audience, its way of connecting and interacting with users.

Our approach to projects is incremental, allowing the client gradual investment, according to the budget, needs, and results obtained. 

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